Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love & Hate for Airlines on Social Media

eTurbo News: Social media users were more negative than positive about US airlines on social media in the last 12 months, with intense hatred for a handful of carriers accounting for most of the negativity, according to a new social media analytics report from Amplicate.

The report found that 57% of all opinions on social media about US airlines were negative over the last 12 months, with American Airlines (AMR), United Airlines (UAUA) and US Airways (LCC) incurring most of the hatred. American Airlines was the most hated airline over the last 12 months ( ), with only 12% of opinions expressing love for the world's fourth largest airline.

Social media users were most negative about airlines in June 2011 when Delta Air Line's (DAL) decision to charge returning soldiers for extra baggage caused a firestorm of controversy on social media.

But not all airlines caused social media users such consternation. Social media users expressed overwhelming affection for Virgin America Airlines, which was the most loved US airline on social media over the 12 months, with 97% of opinions enthusiastically embracing the low cost airline. Social media users were especially enthusiastic about Virgin America's onboard WiFi, which allowed them to tweet their feelings for the airline from 20,000 feet.

Amplicate's new report 'Public Opinion on US Airlines on Social Media' ( ) reveals that, although there were more negative than positive opinions posted about US airlines on social media in the last 12 months, the positive opinions were far more influential. In every month, positive opinions accounted for more than 80% of the potential audience for opinions on US airlines.

Amplicate's new report is part of its new social analytics reports service.

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