Monday, October 31, 2011

Are OWS Protests Hurting Tourism?

Poll Position: More than four out of ten Americans say they would be less inclined to visit New York City because of the ongoing Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests. In a Poll Position national scientific telephone survey 42% of the people we asked said they would be less inclined to visit NYC because of the protests, 38% said the protests would have no impact on their decision and 17% said the protests would make them more inclined to visit the city.

The question led to noticeable differences along political lines. Republicans we polled said they would be less inclined by 62% to just 9% saying they would be more inclined and 24% telling us the OWS protests would have no impact.

Democrats countered with 29% saying the protests would make them more inclined to visit the city, 25% choosing less inclined and 43% saying the protests would not have any impact.

Among Independents, 36% would less inclined to visit, only 15% would be more inclined and 48% said the demonstrations would not have an impact on their decision.

Poll Position’s scientific telephone survey of 1,082 registered voters nationwide was conducted October 27, 2011 and has a margin of error of ±3%.

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