Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Central Park's Latest Attraction: Jokes for $1

Daily Mail: One method of relieving the depression of not being able to find a job might be to laugh at your own situation rather than shedding a tear.

But Jason Schneider, 26, of Queens, New York, is getting other people to chuckle in Central Park - and generating a decent income in the process.

After failed job applications to the likes of Comedy Central, Time Warner and HBO, he is making a name for himself by telling jokes for $1 a go.

‘What do you call a seeing-eye cow for blind people?’ he asks some people in the Manhattan park. ‘Hamburger helper’ is his answer.

In a playful dig at Coca-Cola, he also jokes: ‘Scientists have found significant sources of water on the moon. Unfortunately it is all Dasani.’

He stands in Central Park holding a 40x30 inch sign saying ‘laughter guaranteed’ and has proven to be extremely popular with punters. Mr. Schneider has been telling jokes there since April after making an impressive $140 in his first six hours, reported the New York Daily News.

He arrived in New York City four years ago after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania but could only find temporary work. Mr Schneider is so confident in the quality of his jokes that he even offers refunds and people are often seen waiting in line to hear him. He stands next to a bench featuring a plaque engraved with a saying of writer George Plimpton: ‘When there is no wind, row’.

‘That's exactly what I'm doing because I couldn't get a job,’ Mr Schneider told the New York Daily News.

He writes around 20 jokes a day and spends four hours in Starbucks from 6am each weekday morning perfecting his puns, he added. Some of Mr Schneider’s jokes on his website contain sexual content, but he sticks to family-friendly quips when children are listening.

Perhaps they might enjoy this one: ‘What did the green grape say to the purple grape?’ His answer was: ‘Breathe, stupid, breathe.’

More Jason Schneider jokes:

• Hulk Hogan’s wife surprised him with a divorce petition. (He) said the news hit him like a chair to the back of the head

• Did you see MIT students invented a robot that can play video games? Yeah, even their inventions are virgins

• Sarah Palin visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem this week. Palin remarked that it was incredibly moving to see first hand the inspiration for her favorite Pink Floyd album

• Why are sharks racist? Only the white ones are great

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