Friday, September 9, 2011

Alec Baldwin Disses Starbucks Barista

E Online!: If Alec Baldwin really does run for mayor of New York City, he's certainly not getting one barista's vote.

The 30 Rock star venti vented his ire at a Starbucks employee—calling him out by name and the address of his workplace—after an encounter that left Baldwin espresso-ing himself in some unkind, and perhaps even homophobic, terms.

What got Alec all in a froth about his coffee?

The actor was out biking when he stopped in for a cup of joe around 1 p.m. What happened next is not yet clear, but this is what filtered out via Baldwin's Twitter page:

A phone call to Starbucks directed us to seek comment from the company's media relations department, which has not yet responded to an email request.

So E! News ventured uptown to find this Jay, but all we got were two employees claiming not to be him.

"He's not here," one barista told us. The employee just nodded his head when we asked if a lot of people had been calling for a guy named Jay. They would not confirm if Baldwin had been in earlier.

Perhaps sensing that a celebrity using his Twitter to call out a working stiff can seem like a bully or a crank, Baldwin then apparently hopped on his bike and made his way up to Harlem, where he decided to pick a "coolest" New Yorker of the day.

So E! News called Clyde, whose real name is Claudius "Clyde" Green, to ask about his encounter with the Glengarry Glen Ross standout. Green said he pointed at the actor as he cycled by and Baldwin came right over.

"I was carrying the wood for the ovens," he told E! News. "I ran over, brought him inside. I brought him the wood from outside. I showed him how we use the wood in our restaurants. He was so into the meat; he was laid-back. He was a great guy."

Clyde said the opinionated star didn't try any of his food, but he did promise he was going to make a reservation and come back for dinner soon.

"He almost threw on an apron and wanted to work," he said. "He was on his bike. He said he's gonna come back and eat. He was in a rush, but wanted to see how the food was made. He said it looked great."

Overall, Clyde gave Alec two thumbs up.

"I like all his movies. I was surprised to see him; he came right over when I pointed him out," he said. "I thought he was friendly. I didn't think he was that nice of a guy, but he is."

As for the tweet about him, Clyde called it "awesome."

And as for Jay? Take heart, and next time you can always suggest someone put that coffee down.

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