Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Three Hikers Feared Dead at Yosemite

Rescuers will continue today to look for three hikers believed to have been swept into the thundering Vernal waterfalls in Yosemite National Park. Several witnesses called for help on Tuesday after spotting a man and woman climbing over a waterfall safety rail. The couple appeared to be encouraging their children to follow them, but before the youngsters did the man and woman began slipping into the water. Another hiker climbed over the railing to help them, and all three reportedly vanished.

Rangers immediately closed the Mist Trail that leads to the popular water spot. Record snowfalls this year have made Yosemite waterfalls particularly spellbinding  and treacherous. Hikers underestimate the power of the falls, and the mist makes trails extremely slippery. At least eight people have died in the park this year due to falls or drowning.

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