Monday, July 18, 2011

Missouri River Boat Ban Benefits Iowa Tourism

KTIV: It's many miles away from the Missouri but the Iowa Great Lakes are feeling the impact of this year's flood.

The Iowa Great Lakes draws quite a crowd in the summer time, but this year, it's become a second home to those displaced by the floods.

"I personally know probably a half dozen and I've heard other people talk about people that are staying for the summer," said Tom Kuhlman Executive Vice President of the Iowa Great Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.

Making this summer season more lucrative than in the past. Also making waves, the weather.

"Compared to last year, July has been better so far this year. Besides the last couple days of rain, the weather has been great so that helps us here," said Jeffery.

"Yeah July was real good. The first weeks of July had nice weather and sunshine, but with the rain now it's hard to tell...Mother Nature," said Tim Marlow of Extreme Water Sports.

Business owners here are dependent on this seasonal income. "Usually around 4th of July there's an increase in traffic, boat traffic, and tourism," said Becky Venteicher owner of Pink Lemonade.

"Last July was pretty good too its not that last July was bad. I don't know if people are staying more local instead of going to Disney World and all that stuff instead taking mini vacations," said Shawn Jeffery co-owner of the Fisherman's Wharf.

"In the next 30 to 45 days. Not till about August 20th when we will be able to really tell when school goes back and how the summer goes," said Marlow. But, so far it seems business is making a big splash this season.

"I have a number of businesses that have indicated that they're having a record summer. That's a good sign," said Kuhlman.

Note: A boating ban covers the entire length of the Missouri River this year because of record flooding. Authorities say the river is too fast, too deep and filled with trees and other hazards.

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