Sunday, June 19, 2011

International Travel to U.S. Breaking Records

Hawaii247: The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced international visitors spent an estimated $12.3 billion on travel to, and tourism-related activities within, the United States during April. This represents a 19 percent increase from April 2010. Travel and tourism-related exports have increased, on average, nearly $1.4 billion a month in 2011.

“Since President Obama challenged us to double U.S. exports during the next five years, the U.S. travel and tourism industry has proven itself up to challenge,” said Francisco Sanchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. “Our nation’s travel and tourism businesses are a driving force in helping us achieve the goals of the National Export Initiative – helping to strengthen our economy and support millions of American jobs.”

International visitors have spent an estimated $48.3 billion on U.S. travel and tourism-related goods and services year to date (January through April), an increase of 13 percent compared to the same period in 2010. The U.S. travel and tourism industry is on pace for a record-setting year.

“If these trends continue, international visitors could inject more than $151 billion into the U.S. economy in 2011,” Sanchez said.

International visitors traveling to the United States purchased $9.4 billion in travel and tourism-related goods and services in April, an increase of 17 percent when compared to last year. These goods and services include food, lodging, recreation, gifts, entertainment, local transportation in the United States, and other items incidental to foreign travel.

Fares received by U.S. carriers (and U.S. vessel operators) from international visitors increased by nearly 26 percent to $2.9 billion for the month, breaking the all-time record set back in August 2008. The United States has a $12.9 billion trade surplus for travel and tourism through the first four months of 2011. International travelers to the United States support 1.2 million jobs.

The Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI) is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating international travel and tourism statistics for the U.S. Travel and Tourism Statistical System.

For more monthly travel and tourism-related trade data dating back to 1992, visit:

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