Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chicago's Real "Night in a Museum"

MSNBC: If you’d like to visit Chicago this fall, and you enjoyed those "Night at the Museum" movies, then consider entering the Month at the Museum contest put on by the Museum of Science and Industry.

If you win, you’ll save a bundle on hotel fees, take home $10,000 and have some amazing vacation stories to tell about one of the world's largest science museums.

As it did last year, the 14-acre museum is seeking a short-term “roommate”: someone willing to live inside the museum for 30 days and share his or her experiences and observations with visitors on-site and online.

More than 1,500 people from around the world applied to live inside the museum last year. After the online votes were tallied, Chicagoan Kate McGroarty, a writer, director, teacher and performer, won the contest. She had her own see-through office cube, private sleeping quarters and free run of the museum from mid-October to mid-November 2010. Her days were spent interacting with guests and participating in live demonstrations; her evenings were spent poking around the museum’s exhibits and back rooms.

She also kept a video diary and blog where she chronicled everything from her handstand in a simulated tornado to the hatching of baby chicks to sleeping inside the museum’s World War II-era German submarine – which paranormal investigators examined by taking audio and video readings.

If you're envious of McGroarty's adventures, check the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry's website later this month for the official application opening date. In the meantime, the museum is taking suggestions (via Twitter and Facebook) for activities the winner might do inside the museum during the one-month stay.

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