Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burger King Unveils 1,160 Calorie "Meat Monster"

Daily Mail: It contains more salt than four bags of crisps and will take you two hours to jog it off - but you’ll definitely be full afterwards. Burger King's newest invention is the ‘Meat Monster’, a burger which clocks in at a gut-busting 1,160 calories.

It is made up of two hamburgers, a chicken breast fillet, two slices of processed cheese, three rashers of bacon and all the trimmings served between two white baps. But if you are salivating at the prospect, the bad news is the Meat Monster has only been launched in Japan, for now at least - at a cost of 820 yen, or $9.79.

If it makes its way over here - and assuming you can fit your mouth around it - you’ll ingest 24g of saturated fat, 13g of sugar and 1.5g of trans fat. The 1,160 calories make up more than half the entire daily allowance for a woman, while the 2,290mg sodium content is also far above the 1,600mg limit for adults.

Burger King unveiled the meal as part of its ‘Have It Your Way’ campaign to encourage people to make a la carte additions to their Whoppers. Customers have the option to add in even more layers if they want to personalise’ the meal further - and make it even unhealthier. True devotees could add teriyaki sauce, an egg and even a fish patty.

American customers can take comfort from the ‘Pizza Burger’ which Burger King has already launched at its flagship store in New York. The creation is made up of four Whopper burgers topped with pepperoni, mozzarella and Tuscan Pesto and marina sauce, all stacked on a nine-and-a-half inch sesame seed bun. It is cut into six slices, so that it looks and feels like a pizza - and clocks in at a staggering 2,520 calories.

If that’s not enough, then the 3,780mg of sodium will leave your heart gasping for air and your arteries creaking with fear. And if you're a traditionalist, you can almost rack up the same number of calories as the Meat Monster with a Triple Whopper, which weighs in at 1,140 calories.

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