Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Airbus A380 Clips Comair Jet at JFK Airport

An Airbus A380 superjumbo, the world's largest jetliner with a wingspan of about 260 feet, hit the tail of a Comair regional jet at JFK airport in New York last night. The incident was caught on amateur video (below). No injuries were reported.

U.S. investigators have impounded the Air France jet which was on it's way to Paris. One reporter on the flight said he felt "a slight rumble akin to hitting a patch of rough pavement" as the superjumbo, with 520 people on board, was moving on the ground at about 8.15pm local time.

The silent video shows the 70-seat Bombardier CRJ-700 operated by Comair rocking sharply to one side as the A380 wing flipped it into an almost 90-degree turn to the left.


  1. The little plane looks like a toy in comparison. Good that no one was hurt.

  2. Just recently there was an airbus landing for TAM airbus at Kennedy airport that was called a "magic landing" due to twisted landing gear. Can anyone say "fightening"!
